

What your support means

Support from sponsors sometimes allows us to maintain “choral club” memberships with cantata publishers so that we get early access to samples of new publications and discounts on bulk orders for the choir.

Financial assistance has permitted us to provide all the photocopying that’s involved with the production of promotional flyers and programs. It has also facilitated the construction of portable risers upon which our singers stand.

Contributions have also facilitated the development and maintenance of our website, our sound system and equipment trailer. Some have suggested that we record a performance and produce a CD. We cannot accomplish that grand dream without outside support.

The Community Christmas Cantata Choir is not organized in any legal fashion. We are a ministry of our members. Your gifts help us serve Our Lord! We attempt to mention all contributors in our program each season.

How to Sponsor

From time to time, the choir has needs which are met from outside our group. Our singers pay slightly more than the cost of their materials (songbooks and listening CDs). This allows the choir to provide for the needs of our “mini-orchestra”: song books, CDs and orchestration for special parts.

Once in a while, a participant cannot afford to buy the necessary book. We would like personal finances not to block the involvement of any motivated and capable potential musician.

Please contact us if you wish to offer your assistance.